How long should the recruitment process last?
Curriculum Vitae Markup Language
Something to take some of the effort out of applying for jobs.
Six months later…
I’ve been voluntarily redundant for half a year. How’s that going?
Station number three, open for business
The final rail station project I was working on before leaving WYCA is now open.
Recruitment: do as I advertise, not as I do
Communications professionals have to deliver on time. Other professionals… not so much, it seems.
The lost art of the rejection letter
Thoughts on the right, wrong and most-timely ways to let an applicant down.
Lessons learned
The end of a busy month concludes with the opening of Leeds Station Southern Entrance. So what have we learned?
A new rail station at last!
Apperley Bridge Rail Station is now open – guess who was on the first train to call?
The secret’s out
The joys of working on a launch when most of the people you need to talk to haven’t signed the confidentiality agreement you’ve had to!