Despite our shared histories, Europe has always been “over there”. And this is where Britain goes wrong.
The ninth circle of Brexit hell.
Watching the Brexit press conference yesterday reminded me that I was in that very room for a couple of Midday Briefings, complete with headphones and simultaneous translations, in September 2005 when I was on the PG Dip in Public Communications at Leeds Trinity University. Here’s the proof (yes, the seat colours and my taste in ties haven’t changed).

Ever closer union?
Sixty years since the Treaty of Rome was signed, how will Britain disentangle itself?
A modern Mendacity Sequence
Lies, damned lies, statistics… election communications?
Are you an inny or an outey?
You can guess which I am… but there’s more to it than that.
This is not my first web site, and not even my first personal site, by some margin…
Mays Days
For different reasons, early May sees a lot of anniversaries.
Transport thoughts
It’s good to compare: what do you want from your transport system?
The final hour…
Time to come home. You know you have to.