Restrictions on movement, health scares, family, friends, Christmas meals. It’s like EastEnders, but with a book launch thrown in!
You have cancer
A personal post, but also one around messaging and delivery. You’re getting a two-fer.
November 2021
Have I really been doing this for a whole year now?
Faster than the speed of light
You know when you’re at a loose end, and your thoughts turn to FTL communication? That.
October 2021
Travel, travails, beer and boosters. It’s been that sort of month.
September 2021
Back to normal. Wait… what *is* normal again?
August 2021
Water, water everywhere… inside and out.
Wearing thin
No, not me (though that too) – the clothes I dress myself in have seen better days.
July 2021
Going for Gold, but still collecting the Wooden Spoon.
June 2021
Well… at least the weather is improving.