Who do you turn to when a crisis hits?
You’ve had your carrots
Some AVE stick is long overdue.
Repetition, repetition, repetition
When media strategies become a bit too successful.
Should we look again at CIPR Regional Groups?
Some blue-sky thinking with a bit of Devil’s Advocate thrown in for luck.
Giveaways: know your audience
The never-before seen perfect conference gift I couldn’t find the budget for.
Crisis? What crisis?
Why you should always have an answer ready – even if it’s for something you can’t solve.
Why you should write
Also what, when and how – because one day, it might be important.
Propaganda, spin and post-truth: a century of deceit
A lie by any other name is still as rancid, still as sour. Why the obsession with giving old things new names?
Lobbying and APPGs
Alison White’s inquiry highlights problems with the government’s lobbyist register – and with the CIPR-managed one as well.
Public Relations. What’s in a name?
PR, marketing, communications: are we getting too hung up on terminology?