The Kick Song

Extremely silly, but I do like this! The Stick Song it’s based on is good too…


Sheffield Snow

(You can tell it’s Sheffield because of the tram.)

Photo: snowy scene in Sheffield, with a Sheffield Supertram vehicle in the background.
View from the office.

Sign in my hotel

For want of a letter, the meaning was lost…

Photo: a sign, saying "glute free corner". That should be "gluten"...

So many fishies…

I’m thinking of thinking of calling her right
after my afternoon nap.
I’m thinking of thinking of sending her flowers,
right after Bonnie gets back.
So many fishies left in the sea,
so many fishies – but no-one for me…
I’m thinking of thinking of hooking a love,
soon after supper is done.

G’Kar, Babylon 5 (Parliament of Dreams)

Scrubbing up for PRide

With sincere apologies to Simon Baylis, who was cropped out of this image by the photographer before uploading. I look good though.

Photo: me, in black tie at the CIPR Yorkshire & Lincolnshire PRide Awards. Taken by Steve Pope
Me at the PRide Awards Dinner in 2017. Photo by Steve Pope for CIPR.


Watching the Brexit press conference yesterday reminded me that I was in that very room for a couple of Midday Briefings, complete with headphones and simultaneous translations, in September 2005 when I was on the PG Dip in Public Communications at Leeds Trinity University. Here’s the proof (yes, the seat colours and my taste in ties haven’t changed).

Me at a Midday Briefing in the Berlaymont, Brussels, 2005.
Me at a Midday Briefing in the Berlaymont, Brussels, 2005.