Wednesday 1
For the first time in 18 months, a train journey to London for an iprovision trustees meeting. I’m treating myself to a night in a hotel and taking the opportunity to both renew my British Library Reading Ticket and visit the Paddington exhibition at St Pancras. It was… interesting. A very short exhibition. Then again, he’s a very short bear.
Thursday 2
Travelling down yesterday and back today it’s noticeable how many people are no longer wearing face masks/coverings. It’s down to around 50-50 on the trains, including among staff. I take the view that I ought to wear my mask when moving around but can reasonably take it off when at my seat. A bit like a restaurant or bar. Other people don’t seem to feel the same way.
Tuesday 7
I didn’t get either of the roles (one perm, one temp) I interviewed for just before the Bank Holiday weekend. Boo. But the people with the temp role might have another temp role I could do. It took a couple of weeks to find this out and there’s been no movement since. Suffice it to say that I am not holding my breath.
Wednesday 15
Apple’s annual new iPhone event took place yesterday, with the addition of a new iPad Mini. I’m in two minds about it (I need a new job first, of course). They made it slightly smaller when it might have been better slightly wider, with a slightly larger screen than the slightly larger one if sort-of has (but with rounded corners, so you can’t quite be sure).
The phone is interesting; I’d wanted a 12 Mini, which is still on sale but the 13 Mini has better battery life and a newer chip. But I need a new job first, of course, before buying one. I’d never buy one without trying it out in the Apple Store down the road first so my participation in the MacRumors forums thread for the UK release was very vicarious. Fun though.
Friday 17
Having scanned in the family transparencies and negatives, and my own transparencies and 110mm negatives I’m now starting on my 35mm negatives. I don’t really need to do them, but the ‘frame’ I used to scan the other stuff was larger than what I used previously so I’m going to start again. The 35mm era started in 1993 and went to around 2004, with a diversion for an APS camera (yuk). I think I’ve around 500 negatives to rescan and I’m doing 30 on a good day so my plan to finish by the end of the month might not happen.
Thursday 30
The negatives scanning is a right distraction! I’m most of the way through 1999 which was the largest year, so if I’m really lucky I’ll have finished by 10 October. One other problem is that the files I’m creating are much larger than the ones they replace, and there’s more of them. I’ve had re-apportion disk space across the drives on my laptop and the backup drive has run out of space. I have ordered another one; it’s supposed to arrive tomorrow. Or Saturday. Or Monday. It depends on which screen you look at. And it’s Metallic Red, which really isn’t my colour. Should have kept the 1Tb T5 I sold in April after all then…
But next month I will honestly do some proper, non-diary posts about my photography journey, the Apple Event Horizon and trying to create faster-than-light communications. Eclectic, no?