Campaigning in this year’s CIPR elections is now underway – this year I’ve taken the plunge and am standing as President-Elect for 2017 (and thus President in 2018).
I’d like to thank Carolyn Watson MCIPR, Pat Gaudin Found.Chart.PR FCIPR, Paul Amourdedieu MCIPR, Annette Spencer Chart.PR FCIPR, Chris Taylor MCIPR, Erin Portsmouth Chart.PR MCIPR, Sarah Giangregorio MCIPR, Gill Dandy FCIPR, Cornelius Alexander Found.Chart.PR FCIPR and Dave Sanders FCIPR for nominating me.
Annette, Chris and Erin are also standing for election to Council for 2017-2018. If you support me, I hope you support them as well.
The three prospective President-Elect candidates took part in a debate and Q&A session last Thursday, streamed live over YouTube, with questions from the audience and via social.
All three candidates have a campaign video (sorry about that). In the meantime, please read my candidate statement on the CIPR web site and have a look at my own CIPR member journey.
Each day this the week I’ll be updating this section with my reasons for standing, what my priorities would be and how it all fits with a progressive, professional membership body.
Elections for Council seats are also taking place – don’t forget to look at their candidate statements as well.
Voting starts on Monday 12 September.