We had the Open Evening at the Squadron tonight. From a suggestion on 10 February to delivery on 10 March, I think they did rather well, really. A bit of shooting, a short drill display, wander around, man from the Examiner turned up… lovely.
All we needed was a few uniformed officers. We have no Officer Commanding nor 2I/C, the Squadron Leader who’s been babysitting us couldn’t make it and so we called in another Squadron Leader from Wing. Except, he’d had throat cancer some years ago, and so suddenly found himself unable to make the opening remarks – just as I was about to hand over to him. And it also meant I had to read the notices on Final Parade (which we had to wing a bit, as the WO couldn’t take his normal station, even though the Sqn Ldr was notionally taking the Parade).
Should be a lot easier next time, though… barring a nightmare, we should have another officer on the Squadron by year-end (even if only as an Officer Cadet). Depending on Sdn Ldr Hoyle’s narrative in my paperwork, that is…