How much do I hate you, WordPress? Let me count the ways.
What business can learn from Eurovision
Believe it or not there are lessons to be learned from the UK’s performance at the annual songfest.
April 2022
Life is returning to normal… or is it?
March 2022
Gosh. This is tough.
Afternoons and coffeespoons
Cancer diary part three – finally, I’m going in.
February 2022
Short month, short on happenings as well – mostly thanks to work.
Is it me?
I’ve always felt older than my age, but now… I really do feel old.
January 2022
From a slow start to… where did that month go to?
Information without context
Part 2 of the cancer diary: no news is… well, no news. Plenty of information though.
Restructure and rationalisation
Time to start cutting back on some of the odd things I’ve been doing the last 10 years.