It has been, all-told, a busy month. But mainly in the workplace. Actually, entirely in the workplace.

A bus operator closed in the first week; we got a new Head Of in the second week; there was the unexpected extension to the Bus Recovery Grant (good news); we pre-announced the new Mayor’s Fares today (embargoed until tomorrow).

Then I came down with an odd rash over the Bank Holiday weekend (I think it was an allergic reaction to the new batch of Metformin tablets, from a different supplier). A bit like hives, they would appear and disappear randomly for a couple of hours. I was just relived it wasn’t shingles – I’m in that age range, after all.

That means there’s not been much time for writing things, even though there are things I’ve wanted to write about, or comment on.

So I’m going to make a possibly pointless promise to write at least four posts in September, quite possibly on different subjects. I just need a bit of discipline to drag out the external keyboard and get cracking. I do, at least, have something in mind for the first one.

I’ll publish it on the 4th. Scouts’ Honour ((I was never a Scout. You could have guessed.)).