The days seem to be dragging as we approach the end of the year and the winter solstice. Yes, Doctor Who is back, but that also means it’ll soon be time to write out all those Christmas cards, especially the ones to be posted overseas. Waa!
Tuesday 9
When you’re Busy Doing Nothing, any sort of day out is fun. Even if it’s only a trip to the dentist and oral hygienist. My teeth are in good-to-excellent condition, considering that I had my first fillings when I was in the early years of primary school.
A trip to Beeston is also an excuse to get my step count up a bit, as I walk up the rest of Beeston Hill, past the park and on to the flatter bit at the top. From there, on to the Co-Op to the bus terminus. Then I catch the bus back to Leeds, covering the route I’ve just walked all the way back past the dentist’s.
Friday 19
Well now, here’s a thing; I have a new temporary contract! And it’s back at the Combined Authority I left a little over five years ago. Only temporary, but it’ll be a bit of cash coming in.
The interview was on Tuesday, after which I heard I had another interview for a permanent role elsewhere next Wednesday. Nothing for ages, then two at once.
Wednesday 24
And, no sooner had I finished today’s interview than I was invited to another, another permanent role, in early December. They do seem to be coming along like buses at the moment… and they’re all involving transport in different ways. And they’re all media relations / external affairs-style posts. This is strange, as that’s not really where I see myself, so I’m starting to wonder what it is I’m putting on my CV and application forms that get me these sorts of interviews but not the stakeholder comms roles I feel I’m more suited for.
Tuesday 30
First day back at work for a long time! I should have started last week but there were problems; then I should have started yesterday but my badge and laptop are in a building that suffered a water leak over the weekend. So I’m back in my old office building for an hour, and working from home for the rest of the week, at least.
Plus ca change…