Memories of a photography session I wasn’t actually at…
For the last few years, iprovision has run a charity casino at the CIPR Excellence Awards. And this year, as last, I helped sell the casino cash. Which meant seeing more than a few CIPR people, others that I’ve worked with – and even someone I was on a course on back in 2002-03…
And I still don’t like taking selfies.
Gene Therapy: The journey begins
I talked myself into getting one of those DNA test kits. This could be a laugh… apart from the spit.
Take back your web?
Perhaps it’s time to go back to first principles.
Gone phishin’
It happens even to the best of us, but that honestly doesn’t make me feel any better about it.
Not going viral
What makes for a popular post? If the stats are anything to go by, I have little idea.
Interviews and Examinations
I’m honesty not very good at either, but they seem to be the way of the world.
Happy the man
I replied to say that the first part of the poem, translated slightly differently, forms the chorus to a brilliant song called The Booklovers by The Divine Comedy:
Happy the man, and happy he alone
who in all honesty can call today his own;
He who has life and strength enough to say
‘Yesterday’s dead & gone – I want to live today’
I’m not there yet. I’m working on it, but I can feel time running out on me.
If, by spin,…
Ah, spin. Good in cricket, billiards and snooker, bad in communications?