The best time to book tickets in advance at Leeds is on a Sunday. The station’s busy but the Travel Centre isn’t. So there’s a Top Tip for you for starters.
I had to renew my season ticket to Sheffield from Leeds and, as I know I’m staying a bit longer and that there’s a fares increase in January, this time I renewed for six months. There’s no financial advantage over a one-month renewal apart from beating the fares increase, but every little helps.
My renewal date this time falls on a Saturday, which the nice man pointed out – and would I like to start the next one on the Monday instead? Ordinarily, yes; but as it happens, it’s the works Christmas party this Friday (8th) and I’m staying overnight, travelling back to Leeds later on the afternoon of the 9th via lunch with Someone.
But… I could just buy a single from Sheffield back to Leeds, and extend the card to the middle of June, since I obviously won’t be travelling on the Sunday.
But… then I’d need to buy the single from Sheffield to Leeds. I’ll probably be on the 1550, but might be on the 1650. So I could risk it and get an Advance ticket at £5.20, or assume that I’ll get delayed at some point and have the flexibility to come back by the next available train, which would cost me £11. The average fare with a season ticket is around a fiver in each direction.
And my new season ticket is due to renew on 11 June. A Monday. So I’ll still have two days when I won’t be using it, I’ve just moved them to June from December and now have to pay extra for next Saturday.
Moral: Don’t let yourself be distracted. Plan A is usually the best one.