I’m always better off than I think. I just have to think about it.
A website blast from the past
A random thought brought back a few happy football memories. A few sad ones, too.
The Echo and The Dot
No, it’s not a Gruffalo-style Christmas story – I’ve bought one of each.
Sunday at the Travel Centre
Usually, I do my research and know exactly what I want. This time…
Scrubbing up for PRide
With sincere apologies to Simon Baylis, who was cropped out of this image by the photographer before uploading. I look good though.
One App to Rule Them All
Information is power, which might be why the trains companies don’t like you having it.
You subscribed
You know you didn’t. But it can be difficult to prove.
The Wrong Trousers
The thing that affects all men of a certain age and waist size… belts.
Twelve months (and one week) later…
One year of unemployment. How’s that working out now?
The Impossible Client
If you don’t have all the information to hand, you can’t always make the right decision.