Back in, I think, November, I completed my ninth year of Continuing Professional Development. Go me! Anyhow, after nine years and with the Advanced Certificate completed back in 2004 under my belt, I was now eligible for Chartered Practitioner status – but do I apply, I wonder?
Several people said I ought to go for it, and I toyed with the idea. Then Jane Wilson tweeted:
To which I replied:
That, and knowing that I was taking over as Chair from 2013, did kind of commit me, really…
So I signed up and completed the online application form. A word of warning: give yourself a good half day to complete this! Or less, if someone thinks to post the questions beforehand, so you know what strange things (to me, anyway) you’re going to get asked. Then pay your £50 + VAT and wait…
And wait…
And ask what the status of your application is, and find out that hurrah! you’ve passed Stage One. Next stop Stage Two, 3,000 to 4,000 words “which must be an original piece of work and should demonstrate the attributes we have defined as essential to Chartered Practitioner status.”
I’ll keep you posted.